Native American Beadwork

Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$

Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$
Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$
Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$
Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$

Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$    Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$

This beautiful dream catcher is a true piece of Native American art. Handmade by Karl Allen of the Non-conformist Kiwigapawa (Kickapoo Tribe), it is an authentic representation of the resilience of the Kickapoo tribal culture which remains strong throughout the North American continent and beyond. This dream catcher features an intricately woven mandala, gemstones from California's lost coast, traditional wood and glass beads and elegant colorful feather. It's s perfect for any collector of Native American artifacts.

Made in The State of Jefferson (Northern California), whether you are a collector or simply appreciate Native American art, this dream catcher is a must-have.

Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$    Traditional Dream Catcher, Authentic Native American Art Medicine AllReal$