Native American Beadwork

Antique (1/2)

  • Antique Victorian Era Native American Iroquois Souvenir Beaded Purse / Box
  • Antique Vintage Circa 1900 Native American Beadwork Pieces Plains
  • Antique Native American Beadwork Ceremonial Handmade Sash Belt! Beauty
  • 2 Antique Native American Mohawk Beaded Picture Frames
  • Native American Antique Velvet Embroidered Pouch 1902 Rosebud Sd
  • Antique Native American Iroquois Beadwork Box Pouch White's Institute Wabash In
  • Beaded Both Sides Antique Native American Pouch Beadwork Ojibwa
  • Antique Vintage 1880-90s Blackfeet Indians Beaded Brain Tanned Hide Possible Bag
  • Antique Iroquois Indian Native American Beadwork Piece With Repairs
  • 2 Antique Native American Mohawk Beaded Picture Frames
  • Antique Native American Beadwork
  • Sioux Beaded Purse Antique Great Plains Native American Beadwork Bag Clutch
  • Awesome Antique Sioux / Plains Feathered Dancer Bustle Trailers Beadwork Bells
  • Antique Native American Beaded Sioux Or Navajo Belt Strip
  • Antique Native American Iroquois Beaded Purse Bag Box Indian Beadwork
  • Antique Plains Native American Beaded Leather Gloves Polychrome Beadwork Fringed
  • Antique 1800's Native American Indian Beadwork Folding Needle Case
  • Antique Native American Indian Late 1800's Beaded Bead Work Belt
  • Antique Native North American Beaded Handmade Beadwork Beaded Necklace
  • Antique Native American Mohawk Iroquois Raised Beadwork Heart Wall Hanging 1900
  • Antique 1890s Kutenai Indian Contour Fully Beaded Bag / Target Pouch
  • Antique Circa 1880 Kiowa Peyote Brush Thread Beadwork On Tall Grass With Shells
  • 2 Antique Native American Mohawk Beaded Picture Frames
  • Antique Native American Cheyenne Beaded Belt 150 Years Old +
  • Antique Native American Beaded Belt
  • 1903 Antique Iroquois Beadwork Child's Whimsy Purse Museum Quality Excellent
  • 19th Century Antique Iroquois Beadwork Child's Purse Exceptional Example
  • Antique Native American Beadwork Strap / Dance Regalia 23-1/2 6-1/4
  • Original Native American Plains Region, Antique Cloth, Circa 1890 Dance Shirt
  • Antique Native North American Beaded Handmade Beadwork Beaded Necklace Pendant
  • Antique Native American Indian Beaded Bead Work Lot 4
  • Traditional Antique Native North American Beaded Handmade Beadwork Beaded Belt
  • Antique Iroquois Mohawk Native American Beadwork Hanging Bird Dove Bead Ornament
  • Antique 1890s Kutenai Indian Contour Fully Beaded Bag / Target Pouch
  • Antique Native American Iroquois Beadwork Beaded Picture Frame W Old Photo Cards
  • Antique Native American Beaded Belt 7/8 X 29 Hand Sewn -excellent Condition
  • Antique Native American Indian Hand Beaded Wrapped Leather Belt & Buckle 39
  • Antique Old Vtg Native American Seed Bead Leather Rawhide Medallion Bracelet