It's obvious that the one with the roses on it is older than the other. It looks like it could use a cleaning that would make the beads sparkle. The tie with roses on it is sewn onto fabric. Maybe it was beaded on a loom.
The newer tie is on deerskin. Again, it looks like it might have been made on a loom and then attached to the hide.
Other than what I was told, I don't know anything more. The larger part of the roses tie measures 10 inches by 1 and 3/4 inches at its widest point. The smaller part of the rose tie measures 8 and 1/2 inches long by 2 inches at its widest. It is safety pinned to the larger tie in the back.
The bow of the second tie measures 3 and 1/2 inches wide by 2 inches at the outer edge and 1 inch at the narrow center. The long part that extends from the bow is 5 and 1/2 inches long by 1 and 3/4 inches at the bottom and 3/4 inches where it attaches to the bow.